Station House Nursery

  1. Parent Information
  2. 2 year and 3-4 year Funding

2 year and 3-4 year Funding

Two year old Funding: 

As part of our aim to help each child receive the best start in life, we offer a number of 2 year old funded places at Station House Nursery. This means, (eligibility dependent) we could offer you up to 15 hours of free childcare to support your child in their early development and learning. 

If one of the following applies to you, you may be eligible for the funding:

1) You receive certain benefits.
2) Your two year old is looked after by the Local Authority or has a Child Protection Plan.
3) Your household income is less than or around £16,190.

If you believe you may qualify for the 2 year old funding, please click on the link below to fill in an online application form.

2 year old funding: Application and Eligibility Form 


*New 2 year old funding - April 2024* (coming soon!)



Three - Four year old Funding: 

Every child will be eligible to access the Free Early Years Entitlement, from the beginning of the term after your child's 3rd Birthday. 

The current universal free entitlement that can be claimed is:

  • 15 hours per week x 38 term time weeks [total: 570 hours]
  • However many are able to apply for 30 hours per week x 38 term time weeks [total: 1140 hours]

Please visit 30 hours free childcare - GOV.UK ( to see if you are eligible for the full 30 hour entitlement. 

At Station House Nursery we also offer you the opportunity to split the funded hours of funding across 48 or 51 weeks of the year to provide you with the most feasible option. 

The funding will be accessed by the Nursery on your behalf on the completion of a 'Free Early Years Entitlement Declaration Form' (which will be distributed to you when received from the local authority) and a copy of your child's birth certificate.


Where to apply: Please visit Apply for 30 hours free childcare - GOV.UK ( to check your eligibility and to apply, you will need to create a Government Gateway ID Account in order to proceed. 


Recommended time to apply: You can apply from when your child is 2 years and 36 weeks old.

15th October - 30th November (If your child turns 3 years between 1st September and 31st December) 
Funding to commence: Term starting on or after 1st January.

15th January - 28th February (If your child turns 3 years between 1st January and 31st March)
Funding to commence: Term starting on or after 1st April.

15th June - 31st July (If your child turns 3 years between 1st April and 31st August)
Funding to commence: Term starting on or after 1st September. 

You can apply outside of these recommended dates but you might not receive your code in time. You must have a valid code by the end of the month before a new term starts. 

You must also reconfirm your eligibility every 3 months. If you apply more than 3 months before the terms starts, you'll have to reconfirm your eligibility in your account in order to keep your code valid. 

Please note: For those only accessing their free funded hours (i.e. making no payments for additional hours or sessions), there will be an additional charge of £7.00 per lunchtime dinner (& resources/equipment not covered by the funding) and £7.00 per afternoon tea (& resources/equipment not covered by funding), unless it is preferred to bring a healthy pack lunch from home. 

For more information please feel free to download the following document, Billing Information and Guidance or see Helen (Manager).